Γνωρίστε στη FutureOfMedia (FOM24) την ευελιξία των συσκευών Matrox ConvertIP

Γνωρίστε στη FutureOfMedia (FOM24) την ευελιξία των συσκευών Matrox ConvertIP

June 7, 2024 EVENT NEWS NEWS 0

Ένας από τους λόγους να έρθετε στην FOM24 είναι για να δείτε από κοντά και να γνωρίσετε την ευελιξία των συσκευών ConvertIP για το επόμενο Live την επόμενη εγκατάσταση ή το Studio.

 ConvertIP’s newest feature, Daisy Chain gives you increased ST 2110 display monitoring capabilities.

You can now send multiple ST 2110 streams through a single media port & benefit from: 

✔ Increased display and monitoring options

✔ ST 2022-7 redundancy

✔ Improved network efficiency

✔ Less equipment and maintenance


ConvertIP ST 2110/IPMX converters allows broadcasters the ability to effortlessly integrate standards-based IP video with existing SDI, HDMI equipment. With ConvertIP, you can confidently transform your current broadcasting environment. Enjoy crystal-clear and dependable SDI and HDMI to ST 2110 monitoring. Ensure your content reaches your audience with precision, so you can focus on creating outstanding content.

Live Production / Events

ConvertIP ST 2110/IPMX encoders and decoders are engineered for the demands of live production, ensuring your content reaches your audience flawlessly and in real-time. With ConvertIP, you can project your vision onto bigger screens, enable remote viewing for your team or clients, transmit your content securely, and stream your live productions to a global audience with ease.



Increase your enterprise’s flexibility and security with ConvertIP ST 2110/IPMX encoders and decoders that offer a standards-based workflow with increased capabilities—all while making the most of general-purpose equipment. Enjoy real-time, high-quality, AV encoding that seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure, and lays the foundation for future IP network scaling. With standards-based design you not only simplify your network requirements, but you also gain unparalleled interoperability and flexibility.


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